Running out of Air

This next dream was one of constant, gradual evolution. As described it will feel like many different dreams; but it was experienced as a single dream that changed so slightly that I never realized it had changed. In the dream I accepted each change; looking back while awake I can see the absurdity.

I was an American soldier taking part in an invasion. For what seemed like an hour I fought from street to street and room to room of an old city as tanks, rockets, and grenades blasted holes in everything that stood up. I was regularly barraged by bricks. I used intelligent infantry tactics like suppressing fire and flanking. It all got very involved. George W. Bush was president and he was leading the attack from the front with a revolver.

Eventually I found myself in another part of the city, far ahead of the attacking line. The dream morphed and I was moving in, along with many people from my present and past. I had sit-down conversations with many of them. We were all very optimistic about our new lives in the city.

But the dream kept morphing. The city became more and more like a massive english manor and surrounding gardens. We were all walking around in the gardens, but one by one people started dying. I was a detective trying to figure out why they were dying. At one point I saw two people playing frisbee. They suddenly put their hands on their knees, then fell down with their hands reaching out for something. By the time I reached them they were dead.

I finally discovered that they were suffocating! There was some sort of draft that was sucking the air out of an area and causing sudden, rapid death. But before I could find out more, the manor had become a home for the greatest live-action roleplayers in the world. I stood under a bridge talking to a group of them. Then Roleplayer Magazine came out, and on the cover was the roleplayer of the year. It was one of the people I was talking to. I was hurt that I had not won - in the dream I was an active LARPer. Liz Lemon from 30 Rock looked at the magazine as the winner jumped up and down in celebration. She was skeptical too and commented that he wasn't even cute.


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