(Nightmare) The Tiny Scientist

The only part I remember clearly is described below. Everything else either led to or thoroughly explored the aftermath of this event.

I was part of a team of 3 scientists who were abruptly taken into captivity. We were trapped in a tiny room with a single shelf high up. All we had were a few test tubes we had grabbed right before being taken and a glass tank holding three modified gerbils. The gerbils represented all the progress we'd made so far. As long as we kept them alive, there was hope for our research.

One of the scientists drank a concoction that shrank him down to smaller-than-gerbil size. We put him in the cage at his request. He did what he could to improve the gerbil's condition. But the people holding us were not feeding us, and things were starting to go downhill. The gerbils were going to starve to death if things continued.

I remember myself and the other scientist sitting against the wall looking up at a shelf in the wall on which the tank was placed. We saw the tiny scientist prick his arm and place a drop of blood on the mouth of one of the gerbils. "What are you doing?" We shouted. "If they smell blood on you they'll go crazy!"

But the scientist had already taken leave of his senses. He managed another drop of blood on another gerbil. Because of his small size, even a drop really drained him. The hungry freak-of-nature gerbils were getting worked up into a blood frenzy. The other scientist and I stood and tried to open the glass tank to get our colleague out. We were screaming at him to run, but he seemed to think he was perfectly safe.

The gerbils attacked him suddenly and devoured him down to the bones.


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