Scouting Party

This dream journal entry is dedicated to T.C.W.

I was on an ocean liner full of large boxes. There had been a murder.

I was arguing about something with a young man with whom I recently worked but may not have ever spoken directly. He showed me a documentary he had just finished attacking a company I worked for. I realized that everything in it was true.

Someone came into the hold of the ship and ordered a small platoon of soldiers to scout a clearing.

I watched as a contingent of Union soldiers packed up and left a clearing. The Confederates were approaching. But the Union soldiers didn't fully pack up; they left a lot of tools, food, and gear.

I heard the rebels approaching through the trees. Then I saw the scouting party walking toward the clearing from the other direction, moving cautiously.

A high-ranking Union general walked out into the field alone, completely oblivious. The scouts tried to signal at him to hide but he didn't see them or hear their frantic hisses. Then he saw the first Confederate skirmisher come out of the trees. The general pulled out his pistol and shot him.

Seconds later, a smattering of gunshots rang out and the general fell dead.

The leader of the scouts stood up from cover and moved out into the field to peak. I was astounded at his stupidity. I joined his men in calling at him to get back to cover. He turned. "It's okay, come on out." He gestured at us to join him. Then the whole Confederate line opened fire on him; smoke and fire billowed from the trees. The scout's body was shredded with bullets.

The other Union soldiers fled. I watched rebs come out from cover and eagerly grab food and firewood. I woke thinking: "Why was firewood scarce for the Confederates?"


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