360 Movie

I was standing in a massive building with a domed glass ceiling. The walls were made of skyscrapers so the interior felt like an indoor version of Times Square (but with gardens inside, not a street). Throughout the dream there were many many people there, many of whom I knew. I can only remember one, however, whom I will call Janice.

This was an historic moment. I was coordinating and emceeing the debut of a new media form. It was a movie starring Milla Jovovich, but it was being played on all the walls of the building (and it was anything but square) for a 360-degree movie experience. I got the go ahead from the tech people and we started the movie.

It looked great when it worked, but it rarely worked. Technical issues abounded; most commonly an issue where only about 1 in 10 pixels (evenly spaced) would show up in the movie; the others would just not display at all. Other times the image starting spinning counter-clockwise, going faster and faster. Whenever there was an issue I called up to the tech people and they would power off the display, then power it back up after a moment. The sound was always running.

People started leaving.

The dream continued but all I remember is standing in a tiny room full of people and waist-high in water. We were all protecting a 10-year old girl who had special authority over us in some way. Something outside the room was trying to destroy her, and many had already died protecting her.

She said: "When I get my legs back, I'm going to wear Kings skates." Kings skates were bright white, old-fashioned, high-laced ice skates. Later in the dream, we all went out on an ice rink; she danced beautifully with Will Ferrell.


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