360 Movie

I was standing in a massive building with a domed glass ceiling. The walls were made of skyscrapers so the interior felt like an indoor version of Times Square (but with gardens inside, not a street). Throughout the dream there were many many people there, many of whom I knew. I can only remember one, however, whom I will call Janice.

This was an historic moment. I was coordinating and emceeing the debut of a new media form. It was a movie starring Milla Jovovich, but it was being played on all the walls of the building (and it was anything but square) for a 360-degree movie experience. I got the go ahead from the tech people and we started the movie.

It looked great when it worked, but it rarely worked. Technical issues abounded; most commonly an issue where only about 1 in 10 pixels (evenly spaced) would show up in the movie; the others would just not display at all. Other times the image starting spinning counter-clockwise, going faster and faster. Whenever there was an issue I called up to the tech people and they would power off the display, then power it back up after a moment. The sound was always running.

People started leaving.

The dream continued but all I remember is standing in a tiny room full of people and waist-high in water. We were all protecting a 10-year old girl who had special authority over us in some way. Something outside the room was trying to destroy her, and many had already died protecting her.

She said: "When I get my legs back, I'm going to wear Kings skates." Kings skates were bright white, old-fashioned, high-laced ice skates. Later in the dream, we all went out on an ice rink; she danced beautifully with Will Ferrell.

Cookie Islands

I was in charge of customer service at an airport. My former supervisor from Baskin-Robbins, Rosa, was put in charge of a Cinnabon near the main terminal. She was the only one in the airport who got any work done. I was busy running around dealing with unimportant crises. But the higherups fired Rosa and the whole airport went to seed.

I saw a TV ad for a new version of Modern Warfare 2 that was supposed to be nonviolent. It ended up being a cartoony game involving hundreds of school kids beating the crap out of each other. I became part of the game world and found myself in a huge basketball arena with tons of fans cheering us on as we attacked each other with fists and improvised weapons. It got brutal fast. I was shocked that this was supposed to be an alternative to the comparably sterile combat in MW2.

I visited some friends of mine from out of state (among them, Penny from a previous dream). They were living on a tropical island. I never went onto the island, but I paddled around near it in a canoe. My friends were in nearby canoes or paddling with me. We switched canoes often.

There were several islands made from letters that we needed to get rid of for some reason (hard to express in words - it was very abstract but made perfect sense in the dream). We tried rearranging the letters, but they popped back into place. We pulled them apart, blew them up, buried them, sank them ... nothing worked. We just kept paddling the canoes around trying to destroy the islands.

Then one of my friends (whom I will call Alice) came up with the idea of dipping them in milk to make them softer. We did, and they melted away. Only then did I realize that the islands were delicious chocolate chip cookies.